Sunday, February 19, 2012

HIMSS 2012 - The Intelligent Hospital

The Intelligent Hospital ™ Pavilion

The RFID in Healthcare Consortium and HIMSS have partnered in 2011 and again for 2012 to deliver a series of educational programs to the life sciences industry to help raise the level of awareness for the use of a technologies in improving patient care, safety, and operating efficiencies in a healthcare, assisted living and nursing home facilities.

In 2012, the following programs are scheduled:

February 20th – One day, RFID & RTLS Technologies Symposium open to all. Learn more
“Intelligent Hospital ™ ” Destination Pavilion. Learn more

The HIGHLIGHT of this 10,800 square foot pavilion will be an “Intelligent Hospital ™” section comprised of FIVE rooms:

a complete OR suite
State of the art WAR Room
a fully equipped ICU
a Step down room
a complete ED facility

The “Intelligent Hospital ™" section of the Pavilion will provide a practical overview of a variety of technologies seamlessly integrated to provide clinicians with 'real-time' patient information delivered to their smartphones or tablets. Numerous use cases will simulate scenarios from the OR, ICU, Step-down and ED rooms that are part of the “Intelligent Hospital”.

Clinicians will see first-hand how information is collected through the use of data capture technologies and from diverse patient care environments including remote locations. The pavilion will showcase solutions which incorporate auto-ID/Bar code scanning, RFID, RTLS (real time locating systems), Sensors and Wireless technologies. The “Intelligent Hospital™” will demonstrate centralized and distributed methods of managing physiological data and alarms. The Pavilion is focused on raising the level of awareness and educating healthcare professionals.
Reprinted courtesy

Editor's Note: If we have the specs for The Intelligent Hospital, can the Intelligent SNF be far behind? BB